Join Extollo's 2020 Year-end Campaign.
100% of your gift will help provide training, supplies and materials, and ongoing job opportunities to make a life-changing impact.



DID YOU KNOW? Extollo has now trained 443 students in vocational trades! Watch this video from Pierre Charles Louthmy about the impact Extollo has made on his life. He just recently graduated from our last welding class with an award for "High Initiative." His professors said, "Pierre Charles Louthmy is curious, a good learner and proactive. He works well and meets all technical expectations in time of practice with no need of supervision."
Our most recent welding class was completed with 100% Haitian professors and administration! This is a huge accomplishment. Not only that, but all 9 students passed the class with 70% or higher. Cherline Thervilus was the only female to take this class and graduated with the "most improved" award. Congratulations to all graduates and professors on a job well done!

Part of our passion at Extollo is to help our community gain a new perspective and worldview. Craig and Renee Janofski lived in Haiti with their two children for six years. Three of those, they worked with Extollo as Country Directors. Renee wrote this blog while living in Haiti at the Extollo Training Center. She shares a vulnerable look into the things that we, as Americans, may not realize we take for granted. Let's remember to be generous and thankful each day we are given.
Tic Tac Cases & Eggs
Written by: Renee Janofski
September 4, 2018
It's been 19 days since we got back home to Haiti after our six weeks in the States. Last night, as we were sitting at the dinner table eating, Morgan and Jaron were telling us some stories of their day.
"Mom, friend ****, she was SO excited! She found an egg! (We obviously weren't understanding the gravity of the situation.) But, seriously...she was really SO excited." Morgan got up from the table and started to dance around, showing us how her friend reacted to finding an egg. It was her lucky day. She found an egg. "And they're going to EAT IT. And she's going to share it with her family too."
I looked down at my food and couldn't stop the tears from rolling down my cheeks. We had an entire chicken broccoli and rice casserole to share between the four of us. And corn bread. And this sweet girl was thrilled to find one egg. So of course, it made us think of the dozen eggs in our refrigerator. In that moment, we wanted nothing more than to run up to the family's house and share some of our eggs. But what would that do? It would steal the joy of her find that day. She was so excited to find that egg...but then here we come and hand them 12? It is so tough to know the right thing to do or decision to make in each part of our day. Today, Morgan did it right. She celebrated with her. Over one egg. She showed empathy.
"Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn." Romans 12:15
If Morgan's reaction would have been, "So what? I have 12 of those in my fridge at home. Do you want some?" that little girl's excitement would have been squelched. Or, if we would go hand over eggs, we could unintentionally create so many problems for that family. Increased jealousy of their neighbors which leads to parents being upset with their children that they're not the "best friends" of the white kids. It seems crazy, but this is the reality that our children deal with.
Then, Jaron shared, "Today, we finished the tic tacs that I had and my two friends both wanted the case. I told them that if I gave it to one of them the other would be upset and they'd just fight over it. And I knew they wouldn't share it. But they both really wanted it." They wanted his empty tic tac case.
Over the past five years living in Haiti, we have had many different living arrangements. We've lived in the city, sharing walls with Haitian neighbors. We've lived up in the mountains, with very poor neighbors around us. One year, we lived in a hotel room while we commuted from the island to the mainland for our new job with Extollo. Last year, we rented a beautiful beach home that was built as a second or third vacation home for its Haitian owner. Our Haitian neighbors had yachts and would fly in on helicopters for the weekend or holidays. We were able to live for a year somewhat with blinders on. In many ways, we needed that year. But now, living back in a community where most of our neighbors live in extreme poverty, our eyes are even more opened and our hearts break every day. There is SUCH a vast range of wealth in this country.
Our discussion continued when Morgan said, "My friend's birthday is coming up. Do you think we could find a pineapple? I asked her if she could have anything for her birthday what would she want, and she said a pineapple. I know she would share it with her family and friends, but her eyes lit up and she said pineapples are SO yummy." Craig and I agreed that a pineapple would be a great gift and that yes, we could find one for her birthday. So we asked when her birthday was. Morgan was shocked to find that this poor girl didn't only not know how old she was going to be...she didn't know what day was her birthday. She had never celebrated it! She thought it was the 4th, but then her mom told her no, it was the 7th...oh wait, maybe the 14th. You guys! She didn't know her birthday.
They went on to talk about how their friends said if we ever had any extra boxes, or suitcases, or a number of other things - they would be so happy to have them. My heart felt so heavy. I looked around my home and was surrounded by beautiful things. Furniture. Decorations. Food. Clothes. Running water. Electricity. Refrigerator. Toilets. Toilet PAPER. Showers. Screens on my windows. Fans. A TV. Computers. Tablets. An X-Box. Beds...for EACH of us. Towels. A washing machine. I could go on and on. We have so much. There is this difficult - yet beautiful tension, living here. There are some comforts from home that make it possible for us to survive long term, but there are so many things that are difficult to accept when our neighbors live with so little. know what? They're also not walking around with their heads down, sulking, and never being content with the little that they do have. Would they be happy to have more? Sure. But does it control their joy or limit their faith in God? Absolutely not.
When we were in the States, it was easier. It was easy to have a full pantry. To stand in the shower for 10 minutes instead of 2 because you knew there would be enough water. The first couple weeks, it was a little tougher to pull in to Target for no reason...just because. But, after that third week rolled around, after things like carpet, central heating and cooling, automatic car starters, realizing that there is other roadkill besides dogs and remembering to pump your own gas felt more "normal," I was shopping, eating out and enjoying "all the things" just like the rest of you. I didn't think twice when I ate three meals every day...and still went to the pantry for a late night snack. (I did think about the pounds that I was gaining!!) It was so easy to slip right back into that easy way of living. Not thinking too hard about the excess that was so quickly piling up. Those things that I didn't NEED, but that I wanted. Not thinking about my neighbors back home who were living with so little.
"Believing in the Jesus of the Bible makes life risky on a lot of levels because it is absolute surrender of every decision we make, every dollar we spend, our lives belong to another. And so that is relinquishing control in a culture that prioritizes control and doing what you need to do in order to advance yourself. The call of Christ is to deny ourselves and to let go of our lives. To relinquish control of our lives, to surrender everything we are, everything that we do, our direction our safety our security is no longer found in the things of this world. It is found in Christ." David Platt - Radicial Christianity
Don't get me wrong. Things aren't bad. It's okay to not have guilt when we feed our families. It's okay to buy that new back to school backpack - even when the one from last year is just fine. But...are we even thinking about it? Are we allowing ourselves to be oblivious to the fact that WE are the minority? Are we naive, or do we realize that the life that most of us live is NOT normal. The only real difference between me and my Haitian neighbors living in poverty is where we were born. We were fortunate to be born where we were...there was nothing we did to deserve it. We inherited American citizenship and all that it brings.
The fact is, sometimes we don't always see how much we have until someone who doesn’t have as much sees into our lives.
So what can we do? We can realize it. And we can admit it. We can be grateful for what we have and we can give generously from what we've been given.
"A generous person is always ready to spontaneously give to those in need. It’s usually inconvenient and unplanned. It will probably cost us comfort, even pride. It won’t be easy or bring us fame. This is Christianity." Kristen Welch - Rhinestone Jesus

2020 Year-end Campaign Launched
The Together Campaign has officially launched! Between now and the end of the year, we will be sharing some of the aspects of how when we work united, Together, great things can be accomplished in our own hearts and lives as well as those around the world. Together we struggle. Together we hope, and Together we will overcome. We hope you will join us!
Auto Maintenance & Repair Facility
Extollo was awarded a grant from Christian Brother's Automotive Foundation for the purchase of automotive repair and maintenance tools and equipment for our forthcoming Auto Maintenance and Repair Facility. We will be purchasing a large portion of the equipment between now and the end of the year. We are now recruiting for a US-trained mechanic to help set up the Auto Facility and assist with building out an auto care training program.
Alumni Program
On October 24 we hosted an informational alumni meeting. Thirty-four graduates showed up and three others came because they heard about the meeting. Three of the alumni were women. There was good discussion about the purpose and goals of the Alumni Association with thirty-four of the 37 expressing interest in joining the Association. It was agreed that an annual fee of 1,000 HTG (About $10US) was a fair cost and thirty-four alumni signed the agreement. This association will meet quarterly and our goal is to help these graduates find employment through greater connections with the association.
In October, we held a graduation for a Level 1 Welding class for 9 students and also completed a Level 1 Masonry class for 13 students. These classes are being taught 100% by our Haitian professors and we couldn't be prouder of them! An updated curriculum is being implemented to bring even higher standards with objective testing in written exams, practical work, and evaluations.

One of our Alumni Association informational meetings where past students gathered to learn about networking and employment opportunities.

As part of Extollo’s 2020 curriculum updates, a new look and feel has been designed for training materials. This system will eventually be applied to all levels of training across all trades. Looking good team!

Mirlande giving class instructions inside one of our indoor classrooms.

One of our Alumni Association informational meetings where past students gathered to learn about networking and employment opportunities.
After the earthquake in 2010, billions of dollars in aid flooded into Haiti. Many times, we find ourselves asking, "Where did that money go?"
Shelley Jean, President and Founder of Papillon in Haiti writes a blog explaining this very question. For the full blog, click here.
She ends the blog this way:
"For a country like Haiti, and those of us wanting to help, unless we turn the corner from aid to development, from charity to empowerment, from orphanages to jobs, from hand-outs to education, we will never see the end of the bottomless pit of dependence and need for charity that continues to pour into the country only to leave the rest of the world wondering….Where did all the money go?
They were hungry. That’s where the money went. They needed to send their kids to school. The teachers needed to be paid. They needed to go to the doctor. Their child needed shoes.
They weren’t using drugs.
They weren’t spending their money on partying.
They weren’t binge shopping at the mall that doesn’t exist in Haiti.
They were simply trying to live.
And that is where the money went.
Port Au Prince is a city of over a million people with over 2.5 million in the greater area. Imagine the dollar amount it requires to keep just that many people’s basic needs met. Sure, much of it was probably squandered and misused, but the money that went into the hands of Haitian families was used up. And they are still in need. Until they become independent.
So, how to stop the cycle? How do we become a part of the lasting solution in places like Haiti and others in extreme poverty? How do we truly help?
When you give, be sure that the organizations managing your money have sustainable development and education as part of their mission.
Invest your donation into jobs, training, awareness and empowerment. And of course, buy things made in Haiti and other struggling countries of the world.
And after that pray for Haiti and for justice for the poor."
Bertha Plaisance has been with her husband, Genosier Merilus for two years. For many years, she has helped Genosier run a welding shop located in Bercy. Genosier decided to enroll in the July 2020 welding course "in order to certify and improve his welding skills." After he passed the class and graduated, he encouraged his wife, who is also his business partner, to also take a welding class with Extollo.
Bertha completed the course and obtained a Certificate of Participation. Extollo Instructors believe that the training she received will help her improve in her profession and definitely make her a better asset for the family’s welding shop.
Bertha has one child, the baby girl seen in the photo of the graduation.
Extollo wishes the best and success to the couple in their initiative!

What is AmazonSmile?
This holiday season, many of our purchases will be made online. AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection, and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to Extollo International.
How do I shop at AmazonSmile?
To shop at AmazonSmile simply go to from the web browser on your computer or mobile device.
Can I use my existing account on AmazonSmile?
Yes, you use the same account on and AmazonSmile. Your shopping cart, Wish List, wedding or baby registry, and other account settings are also the same.
How do I select a charitable organization to support when shopping on AmazonSmile?
On your first visit to AmazonSmile, you need to select a charitable organization to receive donations from eligible purchases before you begin shopping. Choose to donate to Extollo International, and then every eligible purchase you make at will result in a donation.


Junior Medard
General Manager
Written By: Junior Medard, Haiti General Manager
From July 2018 through the end of August 2020, the American dollar had significantly appreciated compared to the Haitian Goude (HTG). This was due to several things: Haiti's economic model based mostly on import, a chronic political crisis, frequent unrest, and currency speculation by local banks.
This sad reality has had a deteriorating effect on the social conditions of Haitian citizens, including Extollo's Haiti-based staff. In order to mitigate the social and financial impacts of a falling HTG, Extollo tagged staff compensation to 80HTG/$1 since June 2019. The local currency rate was continuing to increase until reaching 122HTG/$1 in August 2020. Extollo’s proactive approach to staff compensation in relation to the falling HTG was indeed a good relief for the staff.
However, the month of September brought a number of concerning changes. Haiti's Central Bank depreciated the HTG from 122HTG/$1 to 65HTG/$1 with no proportional decrease in the price of products, significantly impacting the life of average Haitians. This change came after the Haiti Central Bank sanctioned a few local banks for the dollar’s speculation and injected several million USD into the economy. This new context, instead of improving Haitian’s life, brings more uncertainty for the people. Except for a very short list of products, the prices of basic necessities have increased, thus making life even harder for those who are poor. Even the middle class in Haiti is feeling the negative impact. This creates tension within Haiti and is creating even more political turmoil, which we have seen throughout the month.
Please pray for the economic and social situation in Haiti, and that those who are most vulnerable can get the food, shelter, and safety they need. An ethical and robust economy is so needed in Haiti. Extollo's work in this regard is so very important.

Haiti Education

haiti education

vocational training in haiti

Haiti Education
Welding Class
This course of nine students went very well due to the leadership of Jonathan, Jeffte, and Mirlande, and the very good work Stateside to update, improve, and retool the training outline, instructor documents, student lab assignments, and curriculum itself. Even ex-pat instructor, Jeff Ballard, has been impressed with the quality of the work the students are doing (which is saying a lot!) through his review of pictures and videos from the class. Our digital communication tools, that allow us to chat and send pictures/videos, is a key to making this type of guidance possible.

Weekly Checklists
Our staff diligently follow inspections helping ensure our vehicles and equipment are maintained and running in top shape. The environment in Haiti is rough, and parts can be hard to find so these attention to details are important to be good stewards of the gifts that have been given.
We are so happy to introduce you to Garry Jonathan Dagrin, the newest member of our Extollo Haiti team. Jonathan will be helping as one of our training instructors. He is also very valuable to us as an interpreter! Below, Jonathan greets you and shares a brief biography:

My name is Garry Jonathan DAGRIN. I’m 27 years old. I'm the oldest of 3 children. I’m from Jacmel in the south-east region of Haiti. Since 2005, our parents decided to move to Bercy to have access to a better education for us. In 2012, after graduating from high school (called école secondaire in French), I decided to go to the university of GOC to participate in the civil engineering department. I successfully earned my license in 2018. I worked for 6 years with People for Haiti (PFH), a group of missionaries in Bercy. I discovered Extollo through their website. I was very impressed by their vision and their objective, so I joined the team for an even more interesting adventure which will bring me more maturity as a young professional. Extollo already gives me the opportunity to be able to implement the skills I'm learning for the advancement of the institution. I'm glad to be among you.
"I think the work Extollo is doing in training young people in the country is priceless."


Make sure to catch up on our latest blog posts!
How can we help Haiti? 4 Reasons Mission Trips Could Be Harmful
Before planning your next mission trip, take a look at 4 ways it could be harmful and ways to make it a more productive trip... read more
Don't Make This Mistake When Helping Haiti
With the challenges the Haitian government faces in providing even basic services to its citizens, let alone knowing which nonprofit is doing what, inevitably large gaps emerge.
Into this large gap many people and organizations of good intention step in. The problem arises when they do so without first doing the hard work of gaining an understanding of the substantive and often nuanced challenges Haiti is facing, and run forward without the large dose of humility that this hard work requires... read more

Welding Class
Our students continue to soar with the instruction from our Haitian trainers. Joel Belus led a group of 10 welding students through our level 1 curriculum and all 10 passed with 80% or higher! Great job Joel and Mirlande! These ten have joined a group of alumni with certificates in welding totaling 93 welding students.

Masonry Class
Jean Yves, a local Bercy community member attended a masonry class back in 2017. Since then he has been training to become a trainer. In August he led his first masonry class as the instructor and was able to certify 8 our of 10 students. To date Extollo has been able to train a total of 152 masons. Way to go Jean Yves on an incredible job!
Tropical Storm Laura, that later turned into a Category 3 hurricane, passed over Haiti in late August. All staff and students are safe and accounted for and the buildings at the Training Center did not suffer any damage.


GlobalGiving Campaign: Little by Little
Back in March, you helped us reach our goal to be accepted by GlobalGiving as a permanent non-profit on their website.
There are many perks to being a part of the GlobalGiving community and one is their matching campaigns!
This month, we have another opportunity to raise funds for Extollo through GlobalGiving! All eligible donations up to $50 per unique donor will be matched at 50% during the campaign. Just like last March, matching funds will not run out!
We invite you to mark your calendars and plan to give a gift of up to $50 so that we can benefit from this matching gift through GlobalGiving!


Privilege and Perspective
"I cant stress how important it is to take into account your privilege and perspective when going about your daily life. Privilege has become a taboo word, an uncomfortable reality that many of us don't want to realize. The beauty is that when you realize the privilege you've been afforded in life, you're more willing to change your perspective and seek out ways you can extend that privilege to those around you."

New Safety
We have begun a staged reopening of campus, with the implementation of many new safety protocols. Each employee and student must wear masks on site. There is a hand washing station right inside the front gate where each visitor stops as they enter the campus. Throughout the day, surfaces and tools are being wiped down regularly and classes are remaining smaller so that we can accommodate for social distancing.

Welding Class
We have restarted the welding class from April that had to be postponed due to the closure of campus. In order to ensure staff and student safety we are doing the class at 50% capacity, splitting the class into two groups and doing two welding classes. Our Haitian instructors are doing a great job running the classes with our American staff providing support and advisement from the States.
Extollo is working directly with a young entrepreneur in Port au Prince that sews and prints personalized masks for Extollo. We are proud to be able to support local businesses like the one Ecclesiaste Louis has created.


The Extollo Leadership staff has been reading Strengths Based Leadership. We believe that it is important to continually grow as individuals and as a team. Each of our team members has taken the Strengths Finder Test and we have enjoyed meeting via Zoom to unpack this book and how we can utilize it in our organization.

The administration office is in need of two laptops. We have partnered with Red Mountain Laptops and have sent two high quality used business model laptops to Haiti this month! If you'd like to help with this expense, please click below!

As I’ve said elsewhere, it is very encouraging to see the Extollo team working together to take advantage of this time to focus on strategic, organization-building initiatives. As you can imagine, the campus closure and shelter-in-place has been very disruptive. Yet, it is providing us with incredible opportunities to work on projects that I am confident will produce dividends for many years to come.
While Extollo’s focus has been entry-level training courses in the construction trades, and small construction projects as our bandwidth allows, we increasingly talk about ourselves as a burgeoning trade school and construction company. We’re not yet an accredited trade school, nor a fully functional construction company, but this is what we aspire to be - and much of our efforts are leading us towards these two main goals. For when we become both we will be substantially more impactful and thus more capable to fully fulfill our mission. Read more...

Keith Cobell
COVID-19 Statistics
confirmed cases
Reopening Conversations
We are beginning to discuss the practicalities of how to do training classes with physical distancing. We are seeing an even greater demand for our training and exploring how to hold courses on campus in a way that ensures safety of staff and students. Regardless of when we open, we will have solid protocols, including physical distancing, masks, and sterilizing of surfaces.

Aquaponics move to Nearby Community
While the Training Center has been shut down, it has given us the opportunity to move the aquaponics system of tilapia and vegetables to a nearby community with one of our full-time employees. The goal of these systems is for communities to be able to care for and sustain them on their own. Joel is leading this project and we are excited for the expected benefits a system like this will offer his community.

Christie Gloster
Returns to Extollo
Christie Bierman-Gloster came (back) on board as a contractor to take lead on further developing our Level 2 programming and broader trade school program. The Level 2 programming includes a Learning Agreement template for each of our trade-specific on-the-job trainings. This Learning Agreement outlines what the student can expect from Extollo and the learning experience and what Extollo expects from the students. We are also building out daily student evaluations and procedures/documents to assist the instructors before, during, and after the course. Once the Level 2 programming is finalized, Christie will begin focusing on building a roadmap of action items for what is needed to move towards NCCER accreditation.
Extollo was donated hundreds of masks and face shields to be distributed to five (5) health clinics in the Bercy area. A group of physician friends calling themselves “Mask Task Force” led by Dr. Tiwari, gathered together masks and face shields while Junior liaised with local health care leaders to identify the need for masks and shields. We will be flying the PPE to Haiti via Missionary Flights International and Junior will then distribute the items to the clinics.

It is exciting to see the Extollo team working together to take advantage of this time to focus on strategic, organization-building initiatives. Providentially, the slow down in some parts of our operations has provided us with the opportunity to focus on vital, long-range projects in others. I am confident the time we're spending now on these initiatives will pay significant dividends for many years to come.
Some of what we're pushing forward over the next few months:
Completing the plans for our tilt-up house and security wall panels, including step-by-step instructions to assist and guide training.
Designing and finalizing plans for our Metal Fabrication Facility. This will not only be a significant leap forward for our welding training program but will also

generate revenue that will help us train more men and women living in extreme poverty.
Updating our character development curriculum to be more contextualized for the Haitian context. Our General Manager, Junior, is an elder and teacher at his church and will be leading this initiative.
Completing the infrastructure of our Alumni Program. This will help our students find jobs, build their professional network, and give them opportunities for continuing education.
Engaging our stakeholders through new types of communication including group zoom calls and email surveys.
Developing plans for donor events that take into consideration the "new normal" of physical distancing.
Reorienting our organization towards paper-free (and more environmentally friendly) offices, and updating and expanding our standard operating procedures in the process.
Thank you for being a part of all that God is doing in and through Extollo. In this time of disruption in our shared life, we are grateful for your partnership in this work. You are making a real, and long-term, difference in Haiti.
Keith Cobell

This year was planned to be very busy with trainings and building our facilities to better serve the students, as well as the construction industry.
Yet COVID-19 showed up and required us to reset the whole plan: a welding class had to stop after just 2 days, the campus has been shut down since the end of March. And while part of the staff work twice a week inspecting and maintaining our campus, most remain at home.
However in spite of confusion, fear and uncertainty, Extollo is still dedicated, thanks to generous donors' contributions, to assist the Haitian community. Through our partnership with the leaders of our community, Bercy’s residents were educated on COVID-19. Extollo provided 50 hand washing stations to be distributed between several small groups in the Bercy area. An oxygen concentrator was also purchased and is now available on campus in case of need by or staff and/or a clinic in the area.
Even though our full time staff are sheltering-in-place, they continue to receive their salaries which helps ease the stress of providing for their family during this difficult time.
The shut down due to COVID-19 may affect our operations but our vision and mission remain the same. Extollo is honored to serve the Haitian people and the staff feel blessed to join God in positively impacting people's lives.
Junior Medard
General Manager


Ballards Return to
United States
We’re thankful Jeff and Teressa Ballard made it back to the States safely this past month. As they were preparing to head back, they were asked to help escort two sweet Haitian girls to the States to be reunited with their families. While in the US, Jeff will continue to focus on numerous construction projects in preparation for his and Teressa’s return to Haiti when it is safe. Thank you Jeff and Teressa!
Discussing “From Aid to Trade” by Daniel Jean-Louis
An interview with Bruce Kirkpatrick - author, retired Silicon Valley executive and entrepreneur, and Extollo board member - about “From Aid to Trade, How Aid Organizations, Businesses and Governments Can Work Together: Lessons Learned from Haiti.”
With Keith Cobell, President of Extollo.

Have you ever considered using your skills to help in Haiti? We have some opportunities for people to come spend some time at the Training Center investing into our Haitian staff!
We are raising $2,000 to cover the cost of an oxygen concentrator and 50 hand washing stations
placed around the village of Bercy.
Thanks for being a game-changer in Bercy - the medical system in Haiti needs our help!


"For Extollo, of foremost concern is the well being of our staff, students, and our local community (Bercy). As COVID-19 began to spread across the planet, we recognized the inevitability of an outbreak in Haiti, and quickly developed protocols to prepare our team, our operations, and our community."

Welding Class
15 students started a welding class at the beginning of the month. After only a few days of classes, the decision was made to postpone this class and send students home in order to do our part to prevent the spread of COVID-19. As soon as it is safe to do so, the class will resume.

God has given me the spiritual gifts of administration and mercy and a passion for helping the poor, particularly when the “help” is extended in partnership with those being served. Since visiting Extollo in Haiti I have been encouraged by their ministry as it currently is and as it is envisioned to be. I am excited to be part of the team!
Karen Jones
Board Member - Treasurer

Karen Jones has served over many years in a variety of leadership positions in both for-profit and not for profit organizations. These include management positions in auditing, financial analysis and budgeting, and human resources management, primarily in the banking industry. She has served in a variety of Board oversight, consulting, and operational roles for several not for profit organizations that are involved primarily with assisting under-resourced people in Africa and Macedonia. She has served as the chairperson of her church’s Mission Committee. She has a Masters in Business Administration and is a CPA (inactive).

Welding Class
We had 30 applicants for this current welding class! Normally, we keep our welding classes at 8-10 students, but we decided to open this class to 15 students. Thanks to a generous donation from Airgas, Rock Hill, SC this is the first Welding Class that has the opportunity to learn gas welding! Now our students will graduate-level one with even more skills - learning how to stick weld as well as gas weld.

Site Projects
Generator House and Fuel tank shed: While our staff houses will continue to run mainly with solar power, there is a need to have back up generator power for cloudy days, or when the batteries just don't have enough power for running multiple appliances at the same time.
Restroom facility: The restroom facility is almost complete! In order to finish this project, the staff is working hard to finish the metal roofing and finish the last bits of carpentry, plumbing and electrical work. We are so excited for this project to come to completion. It will be a huge asset to our site.
Accounting Updates
We continue to build up the capacity of the Haiti Admin team (Junior and Jessica). Extollo's US accountant, Brook, continues to do training with Junior and Jessica on recording transactions and managing them in Quickbooks Online. Brook is working with Junior and Jessica to build their capacity in managing the new accounting codes/system, time sheets, and other processes - and the added complexity they bring. Good progress is being made!
Check our our