that there are more than 10,000 non-profit organizations in Haiti for a population of just 10 million? No other country in the world has more NGOs per capita.
Extollo International believes that the road to sustainability is through economic development and job creation. With this in mind, Extollo International is a registered 501c3 in the United States, but chose to register as a Social Enterprise, or a for-profit business, in Haiti under the name Extollo Training & Construction S.A.
Our vision may take many years to achieve, and even though we are not currently making profit, we believe in taking the right steps and moving forward slowly to ensure we follow all guidelines to be legal in Haiti.
It is our goal to work towards self-sustainability by creating a construction company and contracting jobs with graduates from our Training Programs, no longer relying on the funds of outside donor support. The funds from these contracts will help to support the Training Center and create jobs for our graduates! Many organizations and government agencies are currently contracting with international companies because they are unable to find skilled labor in Haiti.
Last month, we did a fundraiser to raise support to continue our work in Haiti. You guys were AMAZING!
We had a goal to raise $5,000 and we were able to DOUBLE that goal and ended the fundraiser with $10,000!!!
We received a message from our country directors on the last day of the fundraiser:
"We are OVERWHELMED at the outpouring of support for the fundraiser.
We know that WE wholeheartedly support Extollo and can see first hand what a difference is being made here in Haiti.
Days are tough and sometimes we get discouraged, but when we see people come along and support what we are doing, we are encouraged. We see the emails come in and we are blessed. We see that others see value in the work that we're doing, and trust Extollo to use their money wisely. For that we are thankful...and encouraged.
THANK YOU for giving and for supporting Extollo's work in Haiti!"
-Craig and Renee Janofski
Make sure to go over to our Facebook page to read more about the lives being changed through Extollo and to keep up on what is going on day to day at the Training Center!!