Finding and retaining talent is vital for your company’s future. Many of those building their careers in the tilt-up construction industry are looking for meaningful ways to use their skills and experience to make a positive difference in the world.
Companies that give their leaders opportunities to pursue their passion for doing good will be more likely to build leaders that stay engaged and stay committed.
As a “Peace Corps" type experience for the tilt-up construction industry, Extollo provides TCA member companies a unique opportunity to give their employees an opportunity to use their skills and experience to make a positive impact, while bringing tilt-up construction technology to one of the poorest countries in the world. Engaging your talent through a Peace Corps-type experience can build employee skills, positive company culture, and loyalty - while also being a powerful recruitment tool for prospective employees who value working for a company that gives back.
For existing professionals/crew members in TCA organizations,
Extollo provides a 2-3 week opportunity to travel to Haiti and contribute to the training and learning in Haiti.
For trade school graduates,
Extollo provides a 3-12 week opportunity for trade school graduates (and someday high school graduates as well) to develop skills, and proven competency, in tilt-up construction that TCA companies could then put these young leaders fully on payroll when they return. Graduates would be promoted to this opportunity at job fairs and other recruitment events/platforms.
The Extollo training team is focused on improving the lives of Haitian men and women in two critical areas:
Trade School Training – we provide 2-week classroom and shop trainings in masonry, concrete, welding, and electrical
Practicum Program – we hire graduates to work on projects in one of four construction trades to build their fundamental skills through on-the-job training.
Depending on the skills and interests of your employees, they may be asked to support either of these activities:
Offering guidance to trade school students who are developing their skills in the practical or hands-on aspects of training. This could include showing students how to build formwork for a slab or how to mix, pour and finish concrete. Or, if you’re comfortable in front of the class, you might be invited to share with them your knowledge of the fundamentals of tilt-up at the whiteboard.
You would be assigned a team of Concrete Level 1 graduates who you would oversee executing a tilt-up project with Extollo’s construction company. In this real-life teaching situation, you are invited to round out student skills, teaching about safety, how to plan a job, how to prepare the worksite, how to do the work, and how to clean up at the end of the day. You'll also be helping students build on and refine the skills they’ve learned in the classroom. Team meetings at the start and end of each day help you to interact with your team and answer questions as they arise. These valuable lessons teach students what it means to be a construction employee and prepare them for future opportunities on a job site.
Prior to departing the United States, they will be fully briefed on the specifics of the project they will work on.
When they arrive on campus, they will be greeted by our US and Haitian staff who will give them a tour of the site, introduce them to their team and all of the resources needed for the project. They will also receive their final project assignment and schedule, including being assigned a translator if their team does not include an English speaker. Whether the project is on-the-job training or construction management they will be taking the lead, but they will have the support of our full team
(US-based and American on-site) at all times. When they return to the US, we'll all jump on a call to debrief the experience – as feedback is critical to the ongoing success of this program.
between the company and Extollo leadership
(Sherman Balch & Keith Cobell)
Extollo sends the company an informational packet about the program
TCA member company selects 2-3 employees to travel to Extollo's campus in Haiti for an initial visit of two (2) weeks.
If it is determined by both companies that there is a good fit, then each of the TCA member employees will travel to Haiti for 2-3 weeks, once or twice a year. Thus the TCA member company will be involved with the tilt-up project throughout the year.
Pouring and finishing concrete.
Training Extollo staff on concrete (pouring, finishing, etc.) and other aspects of tilt-up house construction (lifting, safety, etc).
When available, be a guest teacher at one of Extollo's Level 1 classes.
According to interest and capability, assist with Extollo's Metal Fabrication Facility and Auto Care Facility.
Many other opportunities to use their skills, passion, and experience in the construction trades.
Being mentored by Sherman Balch, The Peter Courtois Memorial Award recipient and past TCA President.
Airfare to and from Haiti.
Modest financial compensation/ stipend.
All in-country travel, including - when necessary - armed security escort to and from the Toussaint Louverture International Airport (PAP) and Extollo's campus in Bercy - approximately 22 miles north of Port-au-Prince.
Accommodation in Extollo's staff and visitor housing, including internet, all meals, and 24/7 security.
Emergency medical service coverage while in Haiti.
Day of rest and relaxation at a beach resort in the Caribbean.
A social impact company, Extollo will be the "first-mover" of tilt-up construction technology in Haiti. Extollo is currently developing a panelized tilt-up house product to significantly disrupt the current housing market in Haiti, led by Sherman Balch (The Peter Courtois Memorial Award recipient and past TCA President). Through its tilt-up operations, Extollo has plans to train hundreds of Haitian construction professionals in tilt-up construction, along with sharing its tilt-up expertise with construction companies in Haiti through an open-source approach.