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Impact Report - March 2023


  • Preparing for a practicum on-site

  • Continued projects and water distribution

  • A special thank-you

Metal Fabrication Practicum

Team leads, Youwens and George, have been planning an upcoming welding practicum for two graduates from St. Marc. They are interested in expanding their training to take on more welding work in their community.

Why it Matters:

After Level 1 training, graduates have a basic understanding and are able to assist and join a team to gain more experience. Level 2 practicum offers more in-depth training, hands-on experience, one-on-one direction, and enables students to take on projects of their own.

Going Deeper:

Students will learn the metal fabrication process from start to finish and put their skills to the test building rebar storage racks. They will also learn wire (or GMAW) welding, which will set them up for larger fabrication projects.

Innovative Ideas for Remote Teaching:

A new Construction Drawing Reading Seminar will soon be available for students to take and will be taught remotely due to the difficulty of getting in and out of the country.

Going Deeper: Javier Calero and the Trade School Team have continued work on content development so that as soon as the new Starlink satellite-based internet is set up on campus, we will be ready to move forward. Access to this new internet is a potential game changer.

Construction Team continues to push forward:

Despite the campus being primarily closed, the Construction Team has progressed on several fronts.

  • 19 steel fence panels were fabricated and are 90% complete

  • Floor plan with furniture layout completed in preparation for 3-D animation walk-through of new tilt-up house designs

  • Continued to review and update Training Center inspection forms, records, and procedures.

Water Distribution

With the continuing humanitarian crisis in Haiti, the Construction Team continues providing drinking water to the community twice a week.

  • More than 5,000 gallons of water have been distributed to our local community.

  • Extollo provides drinking water for the National Police Station in Cabaret each week.

  • 3,000 gallons of non-potable water was purchased for the cistern at the National Police Station.

There are numerous vocational schools throughout the country of Haiti, but one thing sets Extollo apart: our focus on the importance of Character and Spiritual Development.

Even in the midst of the challenges we face, Junior (Haitian General Manager) continues to provide pastoral leadership to the campus team both through one-on-one mentoring, as well as by guiding the culture of the team towards our Extollo Character Traits. Real transformation is happening in the lives of our team members.

Over 18,000 meals packed:

More than 80 friends of Extollo gathered in Pleasanton, CA last month at the Kid Against Hunger Bay Area facility to pack meals for families in Haiti.

As many of you already know, Extollo’s work in Haiti is about long-term sustainable development: economic, vocational, and spiritual. And while our approach is about “teaching people to fish,” there are times of crisis - like now in Haiti - where we simply need to “feed people fish.” We are humbled to be a part of both of these solutions.

If you’re not already, there are numerous ways you can get more deeply involved in Extollo’s sustainable mission in Haiti:

  1. Monthly Impact Reports. (THIS report!) You may already be receiving our monthly Impact Report in your email, summarizing the work accomplished each month, along with interesting stories about our students and alumni. Make sure to check your spam folder if you haven't seen these emails, or sign up here.

  2. Quarterly Newsletters. Every four months, we mail out a newsletter for those who may prefer a physical newsletter rather than an online update. If we don’t yet have your mailing address, please let us know your mailing address by contacting us, and we’ll get you on the mailing list.

  3. Social Media. We post regular updates on Facebook and Instagram. Make sure to follow us to see these updates in your feed.

  4. The Crew. This is our community of monthly donors that support our students and their families through scholarships. The Crew helps cover 90% of the course fee for our most disadvantaged students. To learn more, check out The Crew page here.

  5. Listening and Learning Expeditions. These are one-week trips to Haiti where we listen to and learn from local business and civic leaders about the challenges - and opportunities for Extollo. Once it is safe to travel to Haiti, we’ll start these back up. Learn more here.

  6. Volunteer in Haiti. If you are a construction professional who wants to use your skills and experience in your trade to change people’s lives, talk with us. We may have a role for you.

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